

W/L/D Serie5/10/3
Competizioni Vinte0

Totale Squadre5
Squadre Attive0
Squadre non pronte1
Squadre ritirate4
ELO medio per squadra183.08
TV medio per squadra1182
FF medio per squadra1


Statostoca Quantità Match avg.


[+/-]  Statistiche Extra
Statostoca Totali   Match avg.   Descrizione

Offensive stats
pass_attempts00.00Number of pass throw attempts of the ball.
interceptions_thrown00.00Number of times the thrower has been intercepted.
safe_throws00.00Number of times an interception was canceled by safe throw.
pass_distance00.00Number of squares progression the ball was thrown towards the endzone (this should be multiplied up to give number of paces (x5?)
dumpoff_attempts00.00Number of passes thrown which have been dumpoffs (this is informational, pass_attempts includes dump offs).
dumpoff_completions00.00Number of completions from dump offs (as above this is for informational purposes, pass_completions includes dump off completions).
catch_attempts00.00Number of catch attempts made my a player from a throw.
catches00.00Number of catches made (including re-rolled).
handoffs00.00Number of hand offs this player has made
handoffs_received00.00Number of times this player has been handed off to.
handoff_catches00.00Number times this player caught a hand off (including re-rolled).
pickup_attempts00.00Number of times attempting to pick the ball up.
pickups00.00Number of successful pick ups (including re-rolled).

Movement stats
rushing_distance_leap00.00Squares of progression towards the end zone leaping with the ball.
rushing_distance_push00.00quares of progression towards the end zone from pushes.
rushing_distance_move00.00Squares of progression with the ball running towards the end zone in a normal move.
rushing_distance_block00.00Squares of progression towards the end zone from blocks/blitzes.
rushing_distance_shadowing00.00Squares of progression towards the end zone from shadowing.
leap_attempts00.00Number of leap attempts.
leaps00.00Number of successful leaps (including re-rolled).
dodge_attempts00.00Number of dodge attempts
dodges00.00Number of successful dodges (including re-rolled)
blitz_actions00.00Number of times this player has blitzed.
gfi_attempts00.00Go for it attempts
gfis00.00Successful go for its.

Blocking stats
inflicted_blocks00.00Number of times this player tried to throw a block.
inflicted_defender_downs00.00Number of times defender down was the selected result.
inflicted_defender_stumbles00.00Number of times defender stumbles was the selected result.
inflicted_pushes00.00Number of times push was the selected result.
inflicted_both_downs00.00Number of times both down was the selected result.
inflicted_attacker_downs00.00Number of times attacker down was the selected result.
inflicted_knock_downs00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down).
inflicted_strip_balls00.00Number of times strip ball has been used by this player.
inflicted_sacks00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down), when that player was carrying the ball.
inflicted_crowd_surfs00.00Number of times the push result has ended up in as an injury roll (presuming from being crowd surfed).
inflicted_stuns00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down) and that player ended up stunned.
inflicted_kos00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down) and that player ended up KOed.
inflicted_bhs00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down) and that player ended up badly hurt (after apoth).
inflicted_sis00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down) and that player ended up seriously injured (after apoth).
inflicted_kills00.00Number of times this player knocked the other player down blocking (as the attacker, the defends ends up down or as the defender the attacker ends up down) and that player ended up dead (after apoth)
sustained_blocks00.00Number of times this player has been blocked.
sustained_knocked_downs00.00Number this this player was knocked down while blocking either from sustaining a block or when throwing a block.
sustained_sacks00.00Number this this player was knocked down while blocking either from sustaining a block or when throwing a block when carrying the ball.
sustained_crowd_surfs00.00Number of times this player has been pushed and required been required to make an injury roll (from crowd surfs).
sustained_stuns00.00Total number of times this player has been stunned (from any means). All these stats check player status at the end of the turn.
sustained_kos00.00Total number of times this player has been KOed (from any means).
sustained_bhs00.00Total number of times this player has been badly hurt (from any means).
sustained_sis00.00Total number of times this player has been seriously injured (from any means).
sustained_kill00.00Total number of times this player has been killed (from any means)... this would only ever be 1!

Fouling stats
inflicted_fouls00.00Number of times this player has fouled another.
inflicted_foul_stuns00.00Number of times this player stunned another through fouling
inflicted_foul_kos00.00Number of times this player knocked out another through fouling
inflicted_foul_bhs00.00Number of times this player badly hurt another through fouling
inflicted_foul_sis00.00Number of times this player seriously injured another through fouling
inflicted_foul_kills00.00Number of times this player killed another through fouling
sustained_fouls00.00Number of times this player has been fouled.
sustained_ejections00.00Number of times this player was ejected for fouling.

Healing stats
apothecary_used00.00Number of times the apoth has been used on this player
ko_recovery_attempts00.00Number of recovery rolls from KOs
ko_recoveries00.00Number of successful KOs recoveries
thickskull_used00.00Number of times thick skull was used by this player.
regeneration_attempts00.00Number of time this player attempted to regenerate.
regenerations00.00Number of times the regenerate roll succeeded.

Kicking stats
kickoffs00.00Number of times this player kicked off
kick_distance00.00Distance the ball was kicked in squares.

Dice stats
dice_rolls00.00Number of times this player rolled a simple roll or skill roll.
dice_natural_ones00.00Number of natural ones rolled.
dice_natural_sixes00.00Number of natural sixes rolled.
dice_target_sum00.00Sum of the total targets required.
dice_roll_sum00.00Sum of what was actually rolled (with above would be used to show averages).

Big Guy stats
big_guy_stupidity_attempts00.00Number of rolls for really stupid, bonehead, take root and wild animal.
big_guy_stupidity_successes00.00Number of times the really stupid, bonehead, take root and wild animal roll succeeded.
big_guy_stupidity_blitz_attempts00.00Number of times this big guy declared a blitz
big_guy_stupidity_blitz_successes00.00Number of times this big guy was able to blitz
throw_team_mate_attempts00.00Number of attempts to throw a team mate by this player
throw_team_mate_successes00.00Number of times this player successfully threw a team mate.
throw_team_mate_distance00.00How far this player has thrown team mates in squares.
throw_team_mate_to_safe_landing00.00Number of times this player successfully threw a team mate and the thrown player landed.

Right Stuff stats
times_thrown00.00Number of times this player has been thrown
landing_attempts00.00Number of times this player has attempted to land
landings00.00Number of times this player successfully landed.
distance_thrown00.00The distance this player has been thrown
rushing_distance_thrown00.00The distance the ball progressed towards the end zone when this player was thrown (should be added to rushing distance total stat)

Vampire stats
bloodlust_rolls00.00Number of blood lust rolls
bloodlust_successes00.00Number of times this player didn't succumb to blood lust.
bloodfeeds00.00Number of blood feeds by this vampire
hypnoze_rolls00.00Number of times hypnotic gaze was used
hypnoze_successes00.00Number of times hypnotic gaze was successful

Skill stats
tentacles_rolls00.00Number of times this player used his tentacles
tentacles_successes00.00Number of times this players successfully held another
foul_appearance_rolls00.00Number of times foul appearance was rolled
foul_appearance_successes00.00Number of times foul appearance succeeded
dauntless_rolls00.00Number of times dauntless was rolled
dauntless_successes00.00Number of times dauntless succeeded
shadowing_rolls00.00Number of times shadowing was attempted
shadowing_successes00.00Number of times shadowing succeeded

Bomb Throwing stats
bombs_throw_attempts00.00Number of times a bomb throw attempts
bombs_thrown00.00Number of times a bomb was thrown
sustained_bomb_effect00.00Number of times effected by a bomb
sustained_bomb_stun00.00Number of times stunned by a bomb
sustained_bomb_ko00.00Number of times knocked out by a bomb
sustained_bomb_bh00.00Number of times badly hurt by a bomb
sustained_bomb_si00.00Number of times seriously hurt by a bomb
sustained_bomb_kill00.00Number of times killed by a bomb