Apple Gang - Silver pack

Squadre:Apple GangSilver pack
Razze:Chaos DwarfNecromantic

Lega: PbbL
Divisione: Predatori Blood Bowl League
Torneo:7^ Stagione (2016-2017)
Round: Quarti di finale
Data di Gioco:Thu Sep 7 2017 23:41:08
Match report:Download PDF report

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Squadre Punteggio Δ Tesoreria Fan factor Punti Sportività CAS Totali di Squadra FAMA TV
Apple Gang k 10-1 Punti k
Silver pack k 10-1 Punti k
Apple Gang report
# Nome Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Doc Chaos Dwarf Blocker
2 Grumpy Chaos Dwarf Blocker
3 Happy Chaos Dwarf Blocker [MNG]
4 Sleepy Chaos Dwarf Blocker
5 Bashful Chaos Dwarf Blocker
6 Sneezy Chaos Dwarf Blocker
7 The Prince Minotaur
8 Evil Queen Bull Centaur
9 White Snow Bull Centaur
13 Deafty II° Hobgoblin
13 Deafty III° Hobgoblin
14 Jumpy Hobgoblin
15 Gabby Hobgoblin
16 Shorty Hobgoblin

 MNG   Journeyman   Used journeyman   New skill available 
Star Players:
Silver pack report
# Nome Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
5 Umr at-Tawil avatar of Yog-Sothoth Ghoul
6 Zack, Rosica Ossa Ghoul
7 Sir Percival de la Crue, Guardian Knight Wight
8 Sir Daniel Fortesque, Chief Captain Wight
9 Bob, the goblin killer Zombie
12 Tyreese, stink of the beast Zombie
13 Mudan the smasher Zombie
14 Cousin Finn Zombie
15 Duke Nukem Flesh Golem
16 Frankie II Flesh Golem
17 Baase Surge, the Black Terror Necromantic Werewolf
18 Ingvar the-fallen-king Necromantic Werewolf

Raised zombie?:
Star Players: