Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Rookie - Undercity Pirates_rookie

Squadre:Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds RookieUndercity Pirates_rookie
Razze:High ElfUndead

Lega: R-PbbL
Divisione: Rookie League
Torneo:Rookie 2019
Round: Round 1
Data di Gioco:Sun Feb 10 2019 17:30:28
Match report:Download PDF report

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Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Rookie k 10-1 Punti k
Undercity Pirates_rookie k 10-1 Punti k
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Rookie report
# Nome Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
2 George Harrison Catcher
6 Bungalow Bill Lineman
7 Sgt. Pepper Lineman
8 Lady Madonna Lineman
9 Lucy O'Donnell Lineman
10 Desmond Jones Lineman
11 Father McKenzie Lineman
12 The Eggman Lineman
13 Molly Jones Lineman
14 John Lennon Blitzer
15 Paul McCartney Blitzer

Star Players:
Undercity Pirates_rookie report
# Nome Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
2 Roberts Zombie
3 Rackham Zombie
4 Low Zombie
7 Drake Wight
8 Lorencillo Wight
9 England Ghoul
10 Ralelgh Ghoul
13 Vane Zombie
14 Teach Mummy
17 Bellamy Zombie
20 Andrieszoon Ghoul
22 Morgan Mummy

Raised zombie?:
Star Players: